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Our Work





Our client called in an emergency out of hours, explaining they had suffered a leak from the roof which leaked directly into the only comms cabinet that runs their entire business. They had had electricians in to attempt to re-terminate the cabinet but had put cables into the the wrong ports so the numbering was all over the place. For a business of this size, they were in extreme urgent need to have this fixed and back up and running as soon as possible. Fortunately, with our knowledge, skills and equipment we were able to come to their rescue early hours of the morning and within a few hours we had their comms cabinet working perfectly without any damage or loss of services.


Our task was to identify exactly what cable went to what outlet in the office so we could get the numbering in order first, once this was done it enabled us to move on to stripping out the entire cabinet. With the cables and equipment out, we could dispose of the old cabinet and replace with a new, water-tight cabinet. 


We installed the cabling and terminated to a much higher standard and had the cabinet operational the following day. We was against the clock as we needed to make this entire process seamless to the end user meaning we waited until all staff finished Friday afternoon, and needed all equipment including PCs, phones, WIFI up and running by Sunday evening before staff returned Monday morning.

A very happy customer, a very bad situation overturned and some amazing work carried out by our team.

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